
Software Developer


March 2020 - Present

Mastered mainstream technologies in web Development (React & Redux, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, Ruby, SQL, HTML5, CSS3)

Gained professional experiences with industry best practices (Git flow, Linter, pair-programming, OOP, TDD, MVC)

Gained proficiency in coding with 100+ hours in study data structures and algorithms, solving challenges on hackerrank, Codechef, Leetcode, Repl.it

Become a global citizen by spending 800+ hours in remote working with team members from all over the world (Over 25 countries)

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featured projects


HTML & CSS Project | Mekina Global

This project is a capstone project developed as completion of the HTML & CSS section of Microverse main curriculum. It is a solo project intended to showcase HTML & CSS Skills. It is a real-world-like project built with some business specifications. It consists of four pages: landing page, search results page, item details page, and the about page. The custom CSS of the project is generated using Sass which makes it reusable, readable, and scalable.


Ruby on Rails Project | Soccer Twitter

This project is a capstone project which is part of the requirements of the fulfillment of the Microverse main curriculum in the Rails section. The project is about building a site similar to Twitter. It is a real-world like project with project requirements given to be delivered without missing the deadlines specified in the requirement. Soccer Twitter allows users to tweet their opinions about popular game soccer in brief and eloquent tweets.

RailsJavaScriptPostgreSQLRSpecBootsrap 4.5.x

Gatsby and Strapi Project | Portfolio

A personal portfolio app that has a list of projects I have developed and it also iterates my experience in the field of full-stack development.

GatsbyStrapiReactNode.jsJavascript (ES6)HTML5CSS3

Runner JS

Runner JS is a JavaScript platform game built with Phaser. As it is an endless running game, the main character works in an endless adventure with the desire to stay alive endlessly. On its journey, it collects coins it encounters on its way. This way, the score it earns is calculated based on the time elapsed in the endless adventure and the number of coins it collects.

PhaserVanilla JavaScriptES6SCSSWebpackBabelJestESLintStyleLint


web design

A how-to guide to help developers create their own CSS Grid Similar to that of Bootstrap while learning the fundamental of Sass by building a landing page.

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web development

An article to help developers make Ajax requests using PHP and MySQL using the popular front-end library Bootstrap 4 with minimal steps.

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A tutorial which is part of a series of tutorials in C# to assist anyone who wants to have a firm understanding of programming concepts with C#.

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